
Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal – An Overview in Lieu of the 400+ Pages of Special Investigators’ Report

Main Question
In light of the Governor’s Special Investigators’ Report (“Report”) on alleged cheating in Georgia school districts, what issues need to be addressed in Atlanta Public School System (APS) to overcome systemic failures?
Short Answer
The Governor’s Special Investigators’ Report details organized and systemic misconduct on the part of Atlanta Public School System officers, administrators, staff, principals, teachers, and educators.  The Report found mismanagement, poor oversight, and a lack of ethical behavior as it relates to state testing on the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (“CRCTs”).  It identifies failures in leadership at both the district and school levels and links cheating outcomes to dysfunctions in APS organizational culture. 

I.                   Background
a.       Why was the Report Written?
b.      Who Authored the Report?
c.       How was the Report Compiled?
II.                Content
a.       What are the Report’s Main Findings?
b.      How Does the Report Detail These Findings?
c.       Does the Report Name Educators?
III.             Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
a.       Where Does Responsibility Lie?
b.      What Issues Need to be Addressed to Overcome Systemic Failures?
c.       What Does the Report Mean for the Truancy Intervention Project?

H.R. 2445 is some pretty scary stuff

H.R. 2445 would amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide States and local educational agencies with maximum flexibility in using Federal funds provided under such Act.

But "flexibility" in these ways is more of a reverse Robin Hood blindside.  Title I monies are at stake.

Switch Hitting for the Goodside -- Bring my Passion to the Capitol!

My summer time at a law firm has now ended and I'm switch hitting for the good side at a national advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  Yep, I said it -- in the homeland of the federal government, I am just blocks away from the House floor.

Of course I'm focusing on education policy, bringing my experiences full circle.  So expect to hear my passionate outcries against crippling policies and in support increased opportunities for students and their families.  Kinda nice to get to actually say something.  No better not say that because then they will think you are one of those kinds of people. No if you say that they will just ask you what you meant by that and then they will know you are not their friend. No you know they are gonna ask for support for that statement, and you don't even wanna go there. And especially no you are absolutely wrong on that issue and I am yearning to tell you about yourself.  Instead I get to write, influence, observe, effectuate, dialogue, and deliver.  Yum!

So in the mean time and in-between time . . . stay posted.


Atlanta Public School System (APS) Cheating Scandal -- Shocker! Or, is it?


I will be enthralled by this APS + cheating scandal for quite some time. For those upset, confused, or relieved at the finger pointing that is going on, I am preparing a "just the facts please" account, so be ready. Until then, read Report pages 2, 18-19 of Volume 1. That is your homework.http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/215053/volume1-gov.pdf