The following writing is excerpted from the beginning pages of my Master's Thesis submitted to the Professors
and Administrators of the Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School Joint
Degree Program in Law & Government as part of my Integrated
Written Work Requirement. Submitted on April 20,
2012, I retain all original rights and privileges. For followup questions or inquiries, email
Atlanta Public Schools is in the process of adopting more functional administrative
policies in response to the system-wide cheating scandal that caused national
attention last year. This research is offered to help the new APS
administration fill a potential gap in input from key stakeholders. It argues that policy solutions must be
grounded in Atlanta-specific contexts so that they are sustainable even after administrative
leadership changes. By applying the
critical incidents technique to field interviews within a larger reflective
practice framework, three key insights emerge about the scandal and potential
solutions are proffered to the district.
By the time
the news broke at noon on Tuesday, July 5, 2011, scores of Georgia residents,
particularly those in the surrounding counties of metropolitan Atlanta, were
concerned (to say the least) about the health of the city’s public education
system. Over 180 educators, including
teachers, guidance counselors, school principals, and district leaders, had
been accused of falsifying student test results in over half of the schools in
the Atlanta Public Schools district.[1] As the wagons of public outcry figuratively
circled around the district, a soap-opera-like scene unfolded: newscasters
parked themselves outside of school buildings to barrage administrators on
their way to their cars, teachers resigned from their posts, parents took up
arms and waited to strike, officials scurried to disassociate themselves with
the accusations, and the community froze in shock waiting for the denouement to
confirm that their award-winning district could not possibly be this same
Atlanta school system on the verge of disgrace.
Within the week, six high-ranking educators were stripped of their
duties and some 71,600 articles, blogs, and communication pieces featured
stories on the “Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal.”[2]
The clamor and chaos of this
past summer was due in part to the release of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s Special
Investigative Report on the Atlanta Public Schools (“Governor’s Investigative Report”).
For many, the report was the first introduction to what is now
referenced as the largest system-wide cheating crisis in U.S. public
education. In its entirety, the report
contains approximately 800 briefing pages concluding that employees conspired
with one another and executed plans to erase student answers on state testing
documents, disseminate test answers to students, and otherwise cheat to improve
student performance scores on the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests
(“CRCTs”) in the 2008-2009 school year.
Gathered from internal documents and interviews with educators, the Governor’s Investigative Report identifies
failures in educational leadership at both the district and school levels and
links cheating outcomes to dysfunctions in Atlanta Public Schools (“APS”)
organizational culture. Most
interestingly for the purposes of this research, the report details how
professionals within the district may have adopted practices that prompted
people to respond in ways outside the norm of what educators were expected to
Less than a year has passed, and
systemic cheating has evolved into a national issue. About one month ago, the same newspaper that
broke the Atlanta story cited almost 200 other school districts across for improbable
test score gains based on year-over-year score increases. Supposedly, schools in several city districts—from
St. Louis (Mo.) to Detroit (Mi.), Gary (Ind.) to Mobile (Ala.), Houston and
Dallas (Tx.) to New York City (Ny.)—have reported drastic student test score
gains.[3] While improbable student performance on state
standardized tests might be explained by ambitious district-wide reforms or
targeted achievement initiatives, the overwhelming narrative has been about the
possibility of other system-wide cheating scandals. What other states’ leaders and decision-makers
do with these reports is still unfolding, but Georgia leaders, who are still in
the process of addressing concerns in the Atlanta system, may be able to offer
lessons on how to rebuild, if done properly.
[1] See Associated Press, Urban school students do better in reading,
math, Wall Street Journal (Dec. 7, 2011).
[2] See 6 Atlanta school educators removed amid
cheating scandal, USA Today (July
12, 2011);, Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal: July 5 - 12,
2011 (last searched on Dec. 7, 2011).
Heather Vogell et al., Cheating our
children, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (March 25, 2012).
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